Welcome to Bristol24Corsair.com

This new site, a new work in progress, is dedicated to

The Bristol 24 and The Bristol Corsair

Built originally by Sail Star and ultimately by Bristol Yachts

S/V First Date (Bristol 24 #693) on a mooring at Catalina Harbor, Catalina Isalnd 2007

Our Bristol 24, FIRST DATE, was molded in August of 1977 and is one of the few Bristol 24's to be produced with a diesel inboard engine.  We have a story to tell about this boat and some observations regarding the Bristol 24 design in general.  We enjoy crusing FIRST DATE along the California coast and find her to be a very comfortable and safe cruiser for two.  

FIRST DATE reaching off Channel Islands Harbor
S/V First Date reaching home to Channel Islands Harbor with Anacapa Island faint in the background.

FIRST DATE in the shop on her custom trailer.
S/V First Date out of her element on the trailer during a bottom painting session.  Note her deep chest...

The Bristol 24 is a deep-chested full-keel fiberglass boat with internal ballast (3,000 pounds) of either concrete and iron or, in later boats, lead.  The Bristol 24's deep chest gives her a lot of "rocker" fore and aft and provides a good factor of safety in heavy weather.  We have had FIRST DATE tossed out of the top of plunging, breaking beam seas once (actually several times) in 2008 off of Point Mugu.  Rather than trip on her keel and put her windows in the water, the Bristol 24's deep chest "hides" the keel in the shadow of the hull (at the turn of the bilge) at larger angles of heel thus allowing the boat to simply slide down the wave sideways, splash in the trough, right herself, and continue sailing.  We were amazed!  Had we been aboard our old IOR Santana 26 we would have had some serious knockdowns in those conditions.

If you are looking into the prospect of a Bristol 24 or Sailstar Corsair, feel free to use the contact link below.  I am happy to provide initial feedback on the boat and can provide survey services here in California and can help you with a do-it-yourself survey if you are so inclinded.

Since this site is under development, the page you see today will ultimately be replaced with numerous pages about these fine boats.  Do check back from time to time....

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copyright: Cliff Unruh 2012